The controller gives the ability to control and to interact with the map
LivemapController (int id, {OnMapReadyCallback? onMapReady, OnPinpointOpenCallback? onPinpointOpen, OnPinpointCloseCallback? onPinpointClose, OnContentUpdatedCallback? onContentUpdated, OnIndoorFeatureClickCallback? onIndoorFeatureClick, OnIndoorLevelChangedCallback? onIndoorLevelChanged, OnIndoorLevelsChangedCallback? onIndoorLevelsChanged, OnMapClickCallback? onMapClick, OnPinpointUpdatedCallback? onPinpointUpdated, OnEventUpdatedCallback? onEventUpdated, OnUserLoginCallback? onUserLogin})
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
onContentUpdated → OnContentUpdatedCallback?
onEventUpdated → OnEventUpdatedCallback?
onIndoorFeatureClick → OnIndoorFeatureClickCallback?
onIndoorLevelChanged → OnIndoorLevelChangedCallback?
onIndoorLevelsChanged → OnIndoorLevelsChangedCallback?
onMapClick → OnMapClickCallback?
onMapReady → OnMapReadyCallback?
onPinpointClose → OnPinpointCloseCallback?
onPinpointOpen → OnPinpointOpenCallback?
onPinpointUpdated → OnPinpointUpdatedCallback?
onUserLogin → OnUserLoginCallback?
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
addMarker({required Map<String, dynamic> marker}) Future<void>
Add marker to the map.
aroundMe() Future<void>
Center the map on the user's location.
centerTo({required Map<String, dynamic> center, required double zoom}) Future<void>
Center the map on the given position and set the zoom.
closeEvent() Future<void>
Close the current opened event. Go to the search view.
closeList() Future<void>
Close the current opened list. Go to the search view.
closePinpoint() Future<void>
Close the current opened pinpoint
closePopin() Future<void>
Close the current opened popin.
disableAnalytics() Future<void>
Disable analytics tracking
disableSidebar() Future<void>
drawPolyline({required List<Map<String, dynamic>> coordinates, Map<String, dynamic>? polylineOptions, DrawPolylineCallback? drawPolylineCallback}) Future<void>
Draw a polyline.
easeTo({required Map<String, dynamic> center, double? zoom, double? bearing, double? pitch, double? duration, bool? animate, Map<String, dynamic>? padding}) Future<void>
Ease the camera to the target location
enableAnalytics() Future<void>
Enable analytics tracking
enableSidebar() Future<void>
findNearestPinpoints({required Map<String, dynamic> center, required FindNearestPinpointsCallback findNearestPinpointsCallback}) Future<void>
Find the nearest pinpoints from a point.
getZoom({required GetZoomCallback getZoomCallback}) Future<void>
Return the map's zoom level.
navigateToPinpoint(int pinpointId) Future<void>
Start navigation to a pinpoint. The navigation will start with the user location.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
openEvent(int eventId) Future<void>
Open an event on the map by its Id. This can only be used for maps which use events.
openList(int listId) Future<void>
Open a list on the map by its Id
openPinpoint(int pinpointId, {Map<String, dynamic>? options}) Future<void>
Open a pinpoint on the map by its Id
receiveFromFlutter(String text) Future<void>
removeMarker({required String markerId}) Future<void>
Remove a previously drawn marker
removePolyline({required String polylineId}) Future<void>
Remove a polyline by its Id
setCenter({required Map<String, dynamic> center}) Future<void>
Set the map's geographical center.
setEvents({required List<Map<String, dynamic>> events}) Future<void>
Populates the map with given events.
setFilters({required Map<String, dynamic> filters}) Future<void>
Update search filters
setIndoorFeatureState({required int id, required Map<String, dynamic> state}) Future<void>
Set the indoor feature state
setPinpoints({required List<Map<String, dynamic>> pinpoints}) Future<void>
Populates the map with given pinpoints.
setSourceLists({required List<int> sourceLists}) Future<void>
setZoom({required double zoom}) Future<void>
Set the map's zoom level.
signInByToken({required String accessToken}) Future<void>
Sign in to UFE with wemap JWT token.
signOut() Future<void>
Sign out the current user.
stopNavigation() Future<void>
Stop the currently running navigation.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.