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iOS Native - Location indicator

Location indicator

Enabling user location indicator will render a view on the map that shows the device's current location.

Enable the default user location indicator using the following code:

map.userTrackingMode = .followWithHeading

Change view style

There are several options to customize the appearance of the location indicator using UserLocationStyle.

  • By modifying colors of default userLocationViewStyle:

    map.userLocationManager.userLocationViewStyle = .init(
    foregroundTintColor: .systemPink,
    backgroundTintColor: .black,
    headingTintColor: .green,
    outOfActiveLevelStyle: .init(
    foregroundTintColor: .darkGray,
    headingTintColor: .red,
    alpha: 0.5
  • By modifying images of default userLocationViewStyle:

    let foreground = UIImage(named: "UserPuckIcon")
    let heading = UIImage(named: "UserArrow")

    map.userLocationManager.userLocationViewStyle = .init(
    foregroundImage: foreground,
    backgroundImage: UIImage(named: "UserIcon"),
    headingImage: heading,
    outOfActiveLevelStyle: .init(
    foregroundImage: foreground,
    headingImage: heading


For additional examples and sample implementations of WemapSDKs, visit the official GitHub repository.

Clone the repository and follow the README instructions to run the sample application.