
data class ItineraryOptions(val indoorLine: LineOptions = LineOptions(), val projectionLine: LineOptions = LineOptions(color = Color.GRAY, dashPattern = PropertyFactory.lineDasharray(arrayOf(0.5F, 2F))), val outdoorLine: LineOptions = LineOptions())

A data class containing information about itinerary options.


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constructor(indoorLine: LineOptions = LineOptions(), projectionLine: LineOptions = LineOptions(color = Color.GRAY, dashPattern = PropertyFactory.lineDasharray(arrayOf(0.5F, 2F))), outdoorLine: LineOptions = LineOptions())


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The data class containing information about the options of the indoor part(s) of the itinerary.

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The data class containing information about the options of the outdoor part(s) of the itinerary.

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The data class containing information about the options of the projection part(s) of the itinerary. Defaults: