
data class NavigationOptions(val stopWhenArrivedAtDestination: Boolean = true, val arrivedDistanceThreshold: Float = 15.0f, val userPositionThreshold: Float = 25.0f, @IntRange(from = 5, to = 9223372036854775807) val navigationRecalculationTimeInterval: Long = 5)

A data class containing information about the navigation options


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constructor(stopWhenArrivedAtDestination: Boolean = true, arrivedDistanceThreshold: Float = 15.0f, userPositionThreshold: Float = 25.0f, @IntRange(from = 5, to = 9223372036854775807) navigationRecalculationTimeInterval: Long = 5)


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The distance measured in meters, indicating when the navigation manager considers that the user has arrived at the final destination.

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The navigation recalculation time interval, measured in seconds, indicates the interval between consecutive navigation recalculations.

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The boolean indicating whether the navigation manager should stop navigation when user has arrived close to the final destination.

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The distance measured in meters indicates when the user's location will no longer be projected onto the itinerary and navigation will be recalculated.