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Getting started

The Wemap platform provides a vast set of developer tools to streamline the creation and deployment of livemaps, from proprietary databases or using apps (content, services) that are already integrated in the platform.

These devtools are of different types: client-side (JS SDK, mobile SDKs) to allow an easy integration of livemaps in any environment, at an industrial scale; back-end side (content API) to facilitate the connexion between a proprietary database and the Wemap platform (pinpoints, lists, events, etc.).

Wemap constantly expands and improves its developer platform, where documentation, examples and guides are published. Some developer tools are available upon request: contact us.

A large number of technical services are also baked in the Wemap platform like map styling, offline maps management, itineraries and navigation, geocoding, etc. These are described in the services section.

All devtools take advantage of the rich feature-set of the livemaps, pinpoints and events, and of the baked-in Wemap services to allow fast deployment of best-in-class map and local information experiences.

Built-in components like search, content interaction, deep-linking, end-user services enable you to focus on key aspects โ€“business logic, integration with other screens, etc.โ€“ without having to re-invent the many aspects of an efficient map experience.